Featured Articles

Marauders of the Sea, German Armed Merchant Raiders During World War I

This is part one of Marauders of the Sea.  Part two is already on the web.  Pictures to come later. Read the article.

Marauders of the Sea, German Armed Merchant Raiders During World War 2

One of the lesser reported events of World War 2 is the success achieved by Germany's "Surface Raiders" or Armed Merchant Ships. Look at a globe depicting the world's land masses, and you will be impressed by the vast expanses of oceans that circle the earth, in fact, seven tenths of the World's surface is water.  These oceans became "Home" for the "Marauders of the Sea" in W.W.2 carrying a slew of names such as "Atlantis," (no doubt the doyen of this group) "Orion," "Widder." "Thor," "Pinguin," "Komet," "Michel," "Stier," and "Togo, and, the best known, "Kormoran," who was involved with the disappearance and death of the famous Australian Cruiser "Sydney."  In its own small way this work seeks to redress the paucity of reportage in this area of Maritime History. Read the article.

Marauders of the Sea, Confederate Merchant Raiders During the American Civil War

CSS SumpterThere were 8 in all, and they decimated the Union fleet of Merchant Ships, and very nearly won the the Civil War. The three most successful were built in England for the rebels, these were Alabama, Florida, and ShenandoahRead the article.

Under Water Warfare, The Struggle Against the Submarine Menace, 1939 -1945

On patrol - click to read articleThis work is dedicated to all who fought at sea or in the air in the Battle of the Atlantic, the Sailors in Naval ships, the Crews of the Merchant Navy, and the Airmen from Coastal Command . This battle raged from the day war was declared on Sunday the 3rd. of September, 1939, to the 4th. of May 1945, when Admiral Donitz ordered his U-Boats to cease operations, and return to base. Read the article.

H.M.A.S. Canberra and the Battle of Savo Island

HMAS Canberra - Click to Read moreI hurried to my action station in the fore control - there was an explosion amidships, we were hit on the 4" gundeck, the Walrus aircraft was blazing fiercely on the catapult. A shell exploded on the port side just below the compass platform and another just aft of the fore control. The plotting office received a direct hit. The shell that demolished the port side of the compass platform mortally wounded the Captain, killed Lieutenant Commander Hole, the Gunnery Officer, wounded Lieutenant Commander Plunkett-Cole, the Torpedo Officer and severely wounded Midshipmen Bruce Loxton and Noel Sanderson. Read the article.

Amended interview with Australians at War Film Archive

I've edited and corrected the orginal interview Read the article.

Index to Naval Battles on AHOY

Index to Naval Battles on Ahoy - click to read moreOur Web Site AHOY carries a slew of articles recording many of these Naval Sea Battles, and it has been decided to provide a chronological index of these pieces to assist any of our readers interested in viewing any of these stories. Read the article.

The U-Boats versus The Convoys. Battle of the Atlantic. September 1939 - May 1945. Index to Ahoy Articles

Battle of the Atlantic - click to learn more"When you think how easy it is to sink ships at sea, and how hard it is to build them, and when you realise that we never had less than 2000 ships afloat, and 300 to 400 in the danger zone, and of the great Armies we are nuturing,and reinforcing in the East, and of the world wide traffic we have to carry on, when you think of all this, can you wonder that it is the Battle of the Atlantic which holds the first place in the thoughts of those upon whom the responsibility for final Victory rests. - Winston Churchill

These articles make up a good cross section of the struggles of those days.

 Read the article.

Naval Battles in the Solomon Islands over August/November 1942 turn the tide of the Pacific War

Click the picture to read the articleJapanese forces now started their mad dash southwards, in December, they had invaded Northern Malaya, sunk the Royal Navy Battle Ship Prince of Wales, and the Battle Cruiser Repulse, leaving the gate to Singapore wide open. Read the article.

Count Felix von Luckner: Index of Ahoy's articles and correspondence

 Read the article.

The Voltaire Pages

VoltairIn some cases AHOY acts as a Post Office, trying to bring two interested parties together, so they may exchange information pertaining to some one who served in Voltaire. Given the level of interest raised in the ship, her action with Thor, demise, and the surviving crew members captivity in German POW camps, we have decided to consolidate all the Voltaire messages into a major subject on our AHOY Mac's Web Pages site called: THE VOLTAIRE PAGESRead the article.

The Athenia Page, index to articles about Passenger Liner Athenia

Athenia index - click to read moreGiven all the interest in the sinking of the Passenger Liner Athenia on the day WW2 declared, and the fact that we have recently found some of the lists for her survivors, and those who died, we have decided to consolidate all our references to her on this site, The Athenia Page. Read the article.

The Battle For Convoy ONS 5. 26th.April - 6th. May 1943

Atlantic Star award - click to read the article.Outward North Atlantic Slow Five, short name ONS 5, with a code name of MARFLEET, was made up of 43 merchant ships, in the main they could be classified as elderly, their destination Halifax in Nova Scotia, with a few ships destined for New York and Boston. This motley band of grey vessels with their names painted out had sailed from five ports, Milford Haven, Liverpool, the Clyde, Oban, and Londonderry. Read the article.

Adolf Hitler and his WW2 Field Marshals

Gross Admiral Donitz's Baton - click to read moreWork in progress

This article will cover 27 German Officers, 19 Army, 6 Luftwaffe, and 2 Navy. They will appear in alphabetical order, Army, Luftwaffe and Navy, selected in that way because of the number of Officers in each arm of the Service.

 Read the article.

Jervis Year. The Class of 1936. Royal Australian Naval College.

[Image]In January of 1936, 13, thirteen year old boys who were drawn from Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia, came together as the Jervis Year, at the Royal Australian Naval College, which was located at Australia’s main Naval training depot, HMAS Cerberus at Crib Point Victoria. 

They had been chosen in 1935, from many applicants around Australia who undertook a written examination, then a medical examination, to finally be interviewed by a Board of Naval Officers, who had selected just 13 of them to join the Royal Australian Naval College as Cadet Midshipmen, and undergo 4 years of rigorous training to become Naval Officers in His Majesty’s Royal Australian Navy.

 Read the article.

Passport to the World over 64 years. Pages from my Travel Diary

 Read the article.

Early Explorations of Australia  - Index

Click the image to see the Explorer indexTerra Australis located south of the equator attracted the attention of the Dutch, English and French Explorers and Navigators. The Dutch were here first on the North East corner and West coast of this new land, much later, the English and French followed, these two countries almost dead heated in the area of Botany Bay. These articles cover this age of discovery and some settlement, far far away from Europe. Read the article.

Index to the Submarine Articles

 Read the article.

Index to Naval Operations articles on Ahoy

Operation Deadlight Chart - click to read moreSo that our readers who may be interested in articles on AHOY that covered a number of actions in WW2, and were prefaced by the term " Operations" in their title, and to make it simpler to access them, we have decided to consolidate this group under the heading: OPERATIONS PAGES, in the index on the left hand side of our Home Page. Read the article.

Introduction to stories of Commander Warwick Bracegirdle DSC ** RAN. "Gentlemen Cordite"

A main reason for her success was the wonderful gunnery department, lead by that legendery Naval and Specialist Gunnery Officer, Lieutenant Commander Warwick Bracegirdle, RAN. In his WW2 service  Braces as he was affectionately known, won not one, not two, but three Distinguished Service Crosses. A most unusual feat. Read the article.

Index for Personal Stories on AHOY

Work in progress Read the article.

Index for Hospital Ships on AHOY

Work in progress Read the article.

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Ahoy - Mac's Web Log Naval, Maritime, Australian History and more

Main Features

Marauders of the Sea WW 1
Marauders of the Sea WW 2
Confederate Armed Raiders of the American Civil
Under Water Warfare
Enemy Submarine Activity off the Australian Coast in WW2
H.M.A.S. Canberra and the Battle of Savo Island
Interview with Australians at War Film Archives
Index to Naval Battles on AHOY
Battle of the Atlantic. September 1939 - May 1945. Index to Ahoy Articles
Naval Battles in the Solomon Islands over August / November 1942 turn the tide of the Pacific War
Count Felix von Luckner: Index of Ahoy's articles and correspondence
HMS Voltaire Pages
The Athenia Pages
The Battle For Convoy ONS 5. 26th.April - 6th. May 1943
Adolf Hitler and his WW2 Field Marshals
Jervis Year. The Class of 1936. Royal Australian Naval College
Passport to the World over 64 years. Pages from my Travel Diary
Early Explorations of Australia
Index to Submarine articles
Index to Naval Operations articles
Gentlemen Cordite: Lieutenant Commander Warwick Bracegirdle, RAN

Best way to reach me is via e-mail. I answer all queries.

Latest updates

* 23 July 2016 - Last Post:

* 13 November 2015 - MAC GREGORY’S VISION TO BE UNVEILED Ceremony will commence at 10.00am on Friday 27 November 2015:

* 08 November 2015 - Letters: Marine Phoenix I too sailed on her in C May 1947 from Sydney to San Francisco

* 11 July 2015 - Letters: My great-uncle, John Cotton, was an able seaman on ss Demeterton which was intercepted and sunk by SMS Moewe in March 1917

* 08 July 2015 - I am honoured to have known you a little Mac:

* 04 July 2015 - PLUTO. (Pipe line under the ocean.):

* 15 June 2015 - Condolences from a baby Bracegirdle:

* 01 June 2015 - Condolences - Pattie Wright:

* 24 April 2015 - Letters: Harry Irwin Rouse served in HMAS Canberra

* 20 April 2015 - Letters: von Luckner...help please I am writing a monograph

* 20 April 2015 - Letters: Gerald Hutchinson, oldest living survivor of SS Athenia?

* 20 April 2015 - The Athenia Remembered: September 3, 1939-September 3, 2004 by Michael Poirier:

* 27 January 2015 - Mac Was My Inspiration - Bruce M. Petty New Zealand:

* 25 January 2015 - Index to Tributes and Remembrances in memory of Mackenzie J Gregory
(9 February 1922 - 27 August 2014):

* 25 January 2015 - Tributes and Remembrances  - Mac Gregory Mackenzie J. Gregory
(9 February 1922 - 27 August 2014):



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