Seeadler postcards and von Luckner's signature
The following Post Cards and information about Count Felix von Luckner are reproduced by courtesy of David Harvey from Western Australia who took considerable time and trouble to send me details by mail, for which I am most grateful. The top picture depicts the wreck of Seeadler on Mopelia Reef in the Society Islands. The picture of SS Amra, When word was recieved in Levuka that the survivors from Seeadler had arrived, this small ship belonging to the Australian Union Steamship Navigation Company was quickly espatched with 6 local policemen, armed with one rifle to capture the Count. He surrenderd quietly believing that Amra's port side concealed heavy weapons. The last picture is not that of the Seeadler but of the German Gunboat SMS Adler, wrecked at Apia, Sumoa after a hurricane in March of 1889. This picture was taken about 1938. I am beholden to Alan Holoma from California for bringing this fact to my attention. Her back is broken and the poop broken away, at about this position, the Count had installed a lift, as one might expect to find one in the saloon area on such a vessel, but when operated in Seeadler, revealed a gun deck.