
Correction: "Wreck of the SMS Adler"


I was just looking at your Seeadler postcards at this web address:


and was looking at the last photo in which you indicate: "The last picture of Seeadler as a wreck is a later one, her name is misspelt, referred to just as Eagle."

This makes me wonder if this isn't truly the SMS Adler as indicated on the postcard which was wrecked in the Hurricane of March 15-16 1889 at Apia, Samoa along with SMS Eber, SMS Olga, USS Trenton, Vandalia & Nipsic.

Attached is a photo of the wrecked Adler and there are similarities with the postcard. I've enjoyed reading your website and am especially interested in photographs of SMS Seeadler. Thanks!


Alan Homola
California, USA

SMS Adler


Thank you.

On a closer look, I am sure you are absolutely right, there is little doubt that the last picture which I have taken to be the wreck of Seeadler, and noted that it is wrongly named is in fact the wreck of the German warship Adler.

I will correct my comments on AHOY.


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