Margaret and Elizabeth Orr both survived the sinking of RMS Athenia on Sunday the 3rd. of September 1939. Margo Farnworth's artifacts from her Mother and Grand Mother

Margo Farnsworth of Calgary Canada has written to me to indicate that her Mother and Grand Mother, Margaret and Elizabeth Orr had both survived the Athenia sinking. In December 1939, her Grand Father made up a special scrap book for his wife Elizabeth, it is now in Margo's possession, and holds some press reports from both sides of the Atlantic, the plan of the ship's accommodation, three telegrams sent to her family by Elizabeth, a survivor list of passengers and crew members, and a list of those survivors who needed hospitalisation in Glasgow. A number of the passengers in Athenia were destined to arrive in Canada.

Margo has graciously offered to share all her treasures with AHOY, and we are indeed grateful for her kind offer.

It is both amazing and quite wonderful at this distance from this tragic sinking by the German U-Boat U-30, that people like Margo Farnsworth are prepared to take the time and trouble to share their material about the loss of this ship with AHOY, so our visitors may also enjoy it.

You meet some lovely people on the internet.

See the Ahoy's Index of Athenia Articles and Correspondence.

Athenia Survivor list

Report of Faking U-Boat log in relation to the sinking of Athenia text
Report of Faking U-Boat log in relation to the sinking of Athenia
Report of Faking U-Boat log in relation to the sinking of Athenia.

R.M.S. Athenia


Athenia newspaper article
Athenia newspaper article

Athenia newspaper article
Athenia newspaper article

Telegram indicating Sailing in Athenia
Telegram indicating Sailing in Athenia
Telegram sent from Glasgow
Telegram sent from Glasgow that both Betty and Margaret Orr were safe.
Telegram Sent from Quebec after arrival in Canada
 Telegram Sent from Quebec after arrival in Canada


Athenia Plan:

RMS Athenia Plan

RMS Athenia Plan

RMS Athenia Plan

RMS Athenia Plan

RMS Athenia Plan

RMS Athenia Plan

RMS Athenia Plan


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