
Updates to your commerce raiders of WWI pages?

Do you have any updates to your commerce raiders of WWI pages. also do you know the names of the co of the commerce raiders?

Thank you,

Chris Jones

Can you tell me what sort of extra information you seek for the German WW1 commerce Raiders?
If you list the Raiders that you want the names of their CO's, I will see if I can send them off to you.
There were a number of lesser Raiders eg Berlin, Cormoran, Geier, Iltis, Leopard, Meteor, Victoria Luise, Veneta (1),  
Vineta (2), and Wolf (1). However, their success was virtually nil, so there was very little if anything to report.
I await your response to see if I can help.
Mac. Gregory.

Hello Chris,
Here are the Captains of the main German Armed Merchant Raiders:
1. WW1.
Greif. Captain Tieze. He was unfortunate to be decapitated by a shell splinter from Alcantara, as he was abandoning his ship via a rope ladder.
Seeadler. Captain Count Felix von Luckner.
Wolf.  Korvettankapitan Karl August Nerger.
Moewe. Captain Count Burgraf Graf Nicholaus zu Hohena-Schloslein.
While I am at it, I have included the Captains for the WW2 Armed Raiders.
2. WW2.
Atlantis. Captain Bernard Rogge.
Orion.  Captain Kurt Weyer.
Widder. Captain Helmuth von Ruckteschell.
Thor 1st Cruise. Captain Otto Kahler.
Thor 2nd. Cruise. Captain Gumprich.
Kormoran. Captain Theodor Detmers.
Komet.  Captain Robert Eyssen. Promoted to Rear Admiral whilst on his cruise.
Michel. Captain Helmuth von Rucktesshell, formerly from Widder.
Pinguin. Captain Felix Kruder.
Stier.  Captain Gerlack.
Togo. Captain Ernest Thienemann.
If you check both Bibliograpies at the end of
Marauders of the Sea WW1, and Marauders of the Sea WW2 they list all the relevant books I could find and read.
Woodwards "The Secret Raiders" is, I think the best coverage I found in a single volume.
Hope I have helped.
Best regards,

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