
Times newspaper page dated 21/08/1941 announcing the the "Roll of Honour" of HMS Voltaire

October 06, 2009

Dear Mac

Its been a couple of years since I last contacted you about my late Grandfather Leading Seaman A.J. Knott, who went down with the Voltaire, and at that time I promised you a copy of the Times newspaper page dated 21/08/1941 announcing the the "Roll of Honour", I have duly attached a scanned copy. I will also send a second email with a photograph of HMS Voltaire, looking shabby in her "war" colours, it comes from my Grandfathers collection, how or when he obtained it I cannot say.

HMS Voltaire
HMS Voltaire

Hope they can be of use

John Knott

is from:


My thanks for your messages, nice to hear from you. We will add both of your attachments to AHOY.

Kindest Regards,


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