HMAS Platypus Hi there Mack, Perused your site with great interest. Very well done & also so easy to follow the great variation of information included within. J Class Boats, alongside their depot ship HMAS Platypus I too travelled to the old dart to bring out "Vengeance" the mention of it brought back many fond memories. Enclosed Mack is a photo I hope you may be able to assist me in identifying. Kind regards,
Les, Thank you for your kind words about AHOY, it is produced in concert with Terry Kearns, my good friend in Atlanta Georgia, who turns all my writing into a very navigable site that it presented to all who care to take a look at our site. Your interesting photo is most certainly J Class Boats, alongside their depot ship HMAS Platypus. If you go to our home page, and on the left hand side, click on Submarine Articles, then run down the list to: AE1, AE2 and J Class Submarines, click on that site, go to the end of that monograph, and you will come to the cover picture of all six J's alongside Platypus. We will add your picture to that page. Good to hear from you, and did you find the Vengeange picture of the Queen's signature reproduced on her flight deck? Les, were you still on board for the Royal Tour of 1954? Nice to hear from you, All the best from both Terry and myself. Mac.
Hello there Mack, As an O/D I was quite proud of the above photo. after all the only ship I'd ever been on before was the "Gladstone" at "Cerberus" . Of course when I sent the photo home to my family I did not tell them that I was still forever getting lost below decks. ( Didn't want to worry them you know !! ). Regards Les BROWN