Foreign navies on the Yangtze, Universal Ship Cancellation Society
See "A Short Philatelic History of The Yangtze Patrol by George Saqqal"
Good Evening, Mac:
Just visited you site and was impressed. This is a long-shot request I am about to make. I am a member of the Universal Ship Cancellation Society here in the USA and a frequent contributor to its monthly journal the LOG. I recently had published a four-part series on the philatelic history of the US Navy on the Yangtze. It was an 87-year presence that ended in 1941. As a follow-on piece I wrote for publication in the LOG another article on all the "foreign" warships that patrolled the Yangtze protecting the lives and property of their citizens. I am looking for postcards and or covers from these warships to illustrate that article. Do you know of any reliable sources of these artifacts mailed from the RN gunboats or the warships of Imperial Germany?
Please accept my thanks in advance for your attention to this request.
George saqqal
Hello George,
Thank you for your kind comments about AHOY.
It is a joint effort with my Web Master and good friend Terry Kearns, in Atlanta Georgia, doing all the hard and important work of translating my research, and subsequent scribblings into something cogent that appears for all to view should they chance upon our site.
Although I cannot be of specific help with your inquiry, perhaps it might be worthwhile for you to look at these URL's. Firstly, you have probably visited Robert Pearce's site from Watertown, New York, mentioned on AHOY about the Royal Navy gunboat Ladybird.
His URL for RN Sloops is: http://www.hmsfalcon.com/
His E-Mail address is: wampit@warstrike.com
There is the Yangtze Message Board at: http://www.thesandpebbles.com/messageboards/messageboard1.html
Yangtze Patrol Bibliography: http://library.ups.navy.mil/home/bibs/yangtzeinternet.htm
Ships Cook stationed on the Yangtze River Patrol: http://www.hardwayback.com/Page01.html
Elders Naval Postcards: www.geocities,com/SouthBeach/Marina/8163/
Futures of War: www.fortunesofwar.com/naval.html
On China Station Photographic Essay: http://www.steelnavy.com/1250ChinaStation.htm
You are probably well aware of The Western Philatelic Society: Tear Sheet List: http://www.pbbooks.com/tearshts.htm
This site buys Naval Postcards and may be worth you visiting: http://www.battleships_cruisers.co.uk/naval_sloops_.htm
There is a _ after battleships naval and sloops in this URL, the underlining hides them.
Vintage Postcards: http://vintagepostcards.com/topics.htm
George, I am sure you would have visited E-Bay in your search for suitable material.
I am sorry I could not be more positive for you.
Best Regards.
Your History of the US Navy on the Yangtze would fascinate me, would it please be possible for us to publish a copy of your work on AHOY? I am sure that our visitors would also find it of great interest. We would put it up on AHOY as your work, and indicate it was published with your permission and approval.
Look forward to your response when convenient.
Thanks for your speedy reply. Attached, per your request, is the story of the philatelic history of the Yangtze Patrol. The illustrations of the covers are not included in this, the electronic version, they are in the printed version that appeared in the February, March, April and May, 2004 volumes of the LOG, the monthly journal of the Universal Ship Cancellation Society of which I am a member. I hope you enjoy the article. Thanks for the website info your email gave. I have visited some of the websites and plan to visit the ones I am just learning about now. Thanks again.
Best regards,
George saqqal
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