
Information on Dutch ships de Ruyter and Java lost in Java Sea

(See this letter and this letter)

Dear Sir,

The purpose of my email to you is to ask of your assistance in a matter relating to the dutch ships de Ruyter and Java.  My grandmothers brother was lost in the java sea and we are seeking any information we can find on him, to see what his fate was.  I do understand there were almost no survivors from these two ships but my grandmother having been in Holland in WW2 did not receive any news and obviously has assumed the worst.  Please if you know of anywhere I could possibly find some kind of records or even just his name on a crew list from either of these 2 ships, I would greatly appreciate it for my family.  Thank you in advance for any help you may offer.


Mark Schensema
Ontario, Canada


In response to your E-Mail I will be sending a photo of both de Ruyter and Java, and two reports on the Battle of the Java Sea, in February of 1942.

You did not mention your Grandmother's brother's name, so please send it to me. I do have a contact in the Netherlands who may be able to unearth the ships crew lists.

I will be in touch again .

Best Regards,
Mac. Gregory.

(Picture captions: "A photograph of Cruiser de Ruyter."   "Cruiser Java, laid down 31 may 1916, Commissioned 1st May 1925, Sunk in Battle of The Java Sea 27th.February 1942."

A photograph of Cruiser de Ruyter

A photograph of Cruiser de Ruyter

Cruiser Java, laid down 31 may 1916, Commissioned 1st May 1925, Sunk in Battle of The Java Sea 27th.February 1942

Cruiser Java, laid down 31 may 1916, Commissioned 1st May 1925, Sunk in Battle of The Java Sea 27th.February 1942


(URL of article: http://www.microworks.net/pacific/battles/java_sea.htm )

Another report of the Battle of the Java Sea. The statistics under the picture of de Ruyter are obviously wrong, the one for her crew numbers should be higher than the figure of 437 lost.
(URL of article 2 http://www.geocities.com/dutcheastindies/java_sea.html )


The promise of help regarding the crew lists for de Ruyter and Java.



I really do appreciate all the help you are giving me, I havent spoken to my grandmother as she is away right now but i know his last name is Volmer and he was a medic.  Again thanks for all the help!

Have a great New Years!



Further to our previous correspondence.

Attached is a list of those killed, wounded etc in the Dutch Cruisers DeRuyter and Java, you will need an Excel reader to scan this list. If you do not have one, enter Excel Reader in your search engine, Download and Instal it, that will allow you to scan list list.

Ignore the list for the Canberra at the end.

I could not find anyone with the surname of VOLMER in thses lists.

All the best,

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