
Dad was a survivor from Canberra and then to Shropshire

Hi Mac,

Funny what you can find these days on the Net.

I have just been looking through your letters and 2 caught my eye. One was from a David Ambrose who's Father was on the Shropshire, the other from Terry Walsh who's Dad was a survivor from the sinking of Canberra.

My Dad was a survivor from Canberra and then to Shropshire. I have actually a copy of the Shropshire "Ships Book" and it lists all the personnel who were onboard. He was a gunnery rate.

Unfortunately I did not know my Dad as he tragically died in an Aircraft accident in San Francisco in 1953.

I joined the Navy in 1968 and left in 1989. My youngest son has just joined and will be graduating from Cerberus in June. He makes 3rd generation in the RAN.

Mark Tischler


How nice tro hear from you, I am continually suprised at the number of younger people, or  sons/daughters whose Dad's served with me in either Canberra, Shropshire or indeed both, find AHOY, and then write to me.

The internet is a wonderful tool for bringing people together.

I too use the Shropshire book to check on names listed there of those who served in her, she was a great ship with a very fine ships' company.

Are you aware you can print out your Dad's Certificate of Service from the Vetreran's Affairs?: www.ww2roll.gov.au if you have any problems with extracting it please come back to me, and I will E-Mail one to you.

The other thing you may not know, Stan Nicholls a sailor in Shropshire wrote the Book "HMAS Shropshire" about our ship, he has the total book on the Internet, where you may read whatever part you wish. If you go to my Ahoy site, theURL is listed with this note, click on Articles at the bottom of the Home Page, you will need to scroll down through all of them until you find Stan's Book listed.

I was sorry to learn of your Dad's untimely death.

You would be proud of your son about to graduate at Cerberus, I hope you can be present when his day comes along.

Again, my thanks for your trouble and time in contacting me.

Best wishes,
Mac. Gregory.


That was great to get a response from you so quickly. I have got Dad's Service record already, Thanks for that.

Yes, My wife and I will be going to Cerberus to see my son Lee pass out, exciting stuff. We have the flights booked, accommodation every thing.

I was just looking through Dads photo albums,(you would love them)and there is a paper clipping of Him and 2 other sailors off the Canberra be received in Melbourne and made to feel welcome. As horrible as Wars are it certainly brings people together and give them Love and Pride in their country.

I was the lucky one, 20 years in the Navy but never had to see any of the horrors you and Dad must have seen. My closest thing to anything that you went through was in 1969 on the Melbourne and the disaster with the USS Frank E Evans, what a sad day. I just can't get the memories of that out of my mind. So I can only start to imagine what all the men of all the wars must feel.

As horrible as they are it would be dreadful if we could not remember.

You take care and again thank you for the reply,


P.S.  I have forwarded your email to Lee at Cerberus, he will love it.

The accident in Melbourne he refers to was our Aircraft Carrier HMAS Melbourne colliding with the US Destroyer Frank E Evans, with much loss of life.

Although the Captain of Melbourne John Stephenson was not at fault, he was sent ashore from his ship, and resigned, now living in th US. The Evans had an unqualified Officer on her bridge at the Officer of the Deck.

Stephenson paid the price of running into an Allied ship, and was made the bunny.


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