Father was a Stoker onboard the 'Canberra' when she was hit and disabled off Savo Island on 9 August 1942. Hello Mac, My name is Terry Walsh and I am the youngest son, now 50, of James William WALSH (also known as 'Dave'), W2242, who was a Stoker onboard the 'Canberra' when she was hit and disabled off Savo Island on 9 August 1942. With ANZAC Day drawer nearer, I am reflecting on my Father, who sadly passed away in 1988, and some of his achievements throughout his life. I'm attaching a photograph of a large group of the 'Canberra' survivors as they alighted the train at Melbourne's Spencer Street Station on 20 August 1942. My Dad, is to be found on the left centre of the photo, immediately to the left of the guys hand with the smoke in it and in front of a chap who looks like a PO or CPO! I understand that the photo appeared on the front page of the Melbourne Age. At the time he was a 20 year old who had joined the RAN on 28 July 1941. He had joined the 'Canberra' on 15 May 1942 and so, was onboard when the Japanese submarines attacked Sydney harbour on 31 May/1 June 1942. He did write a story about his experiences surrounding the Battle of Savo Island and I'll forward that to you soon. I also attach an Excel file of Dad's details and list of his ships and shore establishments. I have established a RAN site at www.geocities.com/oznavy which includes details of all ships of the RAN from its establishment. There are other websites of mine linked to this one. I hope that you can use the photograph for your website and that many people find it whilst 'surfing' the 'net! All the best to you and your family, Regards, Camberra survivors as they alighted the train at Melbourne's Spencer Street Station on 20 August 1942
I was delighted to have your message with details about your Dad, and the photo of Survivors from Canberra reaching Melbourne, I was still in Sydney then, having been summoned to attend the Court of Inquiry convened to ascertain all the details of her loss, having been on her bridge as a 20 year old Sub Lieutenant RAN, and her Officer of the Watch when Savo commenced at 0143 on the 9th. of August in 1942. We will be delighted to put this photo up on Ahoy, and agree it would be great if many people are able to view it. In due course, dependent upon where you nare located, perhaps we might get together to fight Savo over again. Terry, I look forward to your Father's account of Savo, and will certainly add it to our site, and we will add a link to your RAN site, its good to have the list of all RAN ships over the lifetime of our Navy. Ahoy is the joint effort of my very good friend Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia, he is my Web Master and puts all my research and writing into the form that shows its face to the world, and to anyone who may chance to find us on the Web. Again, my thanks for your E-Mail, it is a wonderful tool the net, and I am continually delighted to have contact from many people around this world of ours, but none give me more pleasure than one such as yours from the son of another Canberra survivor. Hear from you soon. Very best regards,