Chester A Lemon VK4CCC Thursday Island April 26, 2012 Mac: I would like to email Chester A Lemon but don't have his email address. I found the post below on your web site. In addition, I have traveled from Rabaul/Kokopo on New Britain to Vitu and Hermit Islands in the Bismark Sea with Capt. Rod Pearce who's father was stationed in Rabaul with the Australian Navy in WWII. Rod is a WWII historian and has located many sunken ships and aircraft in that region. He operates a live aboard excursion ship for up to 6 guests called Barbarian II and his email is P2V4260A@sailmail.com is you want to look him up. if you Google Search rod pearce barbarian II rabaul you will get lots of hits. Skip Cameron W5GAI
Skip, Regret that I do not have Chester's Email address. Regards, |