
Bruce McLean Wallace survivor of HMS Trinidad

May 27, 2009

Hi there,

My Dad, now aged 90 and in a  rest home here in Wangaratta, north-east Victoria, is fascinated to read your account of these matters in your omline blog , "The Golden Cruiser. HMS Edinburgh sunk in WW2, carrying 5 tons of  Russian gold with her ".

I wonder who Commander Tanner was as there is available on the internet a Naval Journal which carries an article by him about how he managed the Trinidad, when my father only recalls Captain Saunders. Did you know that an English composer George Lloyd was leader of the Trinidad's band, and went on to write not only a Trinidad March but also an Arctic Convoy-inspired Symphony, his 4th symphony?

Craig Wallace
for Bruce McLean Wallace



Here is a photo of Trinidad fuelling a destroyer on the Arctic run, for your Dad.

I suspect that Commander Tanner may well have been her Executive Officer.

Best wishes to your Dad.


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