British Councillor Hello, A google search took me to your weblog and I was interested to read about the British Councillor. I wondered if you could shed any light on a bit of family history. I have a photograph of my great grandfather Allan Cameron (a scot) and on the back it reads - On board British Councillor at Port Suez. I know he served in the Merchant Navy and was sunk a couple of times during the Second World War. Do you have, or know where I could find any further information about this vessel? My father died when I was very young and I am tryng to trace my tree with very little information. Any ideas greatly received.
She sailed for British Petroleum in WW2, was a steam tanker of 7,048 Gross tonnage, on leaving South Shields, on the 2nd. of February 1940, ran into a mine, sank, and her survivors were picked up by HMS Whitby, and there were no casualities from that sinking. It is unusual that I am not able to find anymore about this ship , I am sorry, but I cannot be of much assistance to you Jim. Kind regards,