
Alexander Kerr served in hospital carrier ship St David when she went down

Hi Mac,

Great web site.

I read with interest Emlyn Williams story of the hospital carrier ship St David which was sunk at Anzio in 1944. My great uncle Alexander Kerr served on board when she went down. I am struggling to find information on any of the survivors who may have known him. Do you know of any websites / contacts who may be able to help.

Malcolm Swan


Thank you for your kind words about AHOY.

I am unable to unearth any crew list for St David, but this note mentions a book that may be worth trying to see at your local library.

Hospital Carrier St David

During the same operation Hospital Carrier St David was also helping to save the wounded and whilst at sea was also attacked and was sunk. It took six minutes to sink and this gave little time for the brave QAIMNS and RAMC staff to help their patients evacuate. The Captain of the Hospital Carrier St David, the Royal Army Medical Corps Commanding Officer, two QA nurses and several RAMC orderlies went down with her (cited in the book Women Who Went to War by Eric Taylor).


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