Picture of Felix von Luckner

This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Samuel J. Hood Studio collection. Sam Hood (1872-1953) was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His 60-year career spanned the romantic age of sail and two world wars. The photos in the collection were taken mainly in Sydney and Newcastle during the first half of the 20th century.
The ANMM undertakes research and accepts public comments that enhance the information we hold about images in our collection. This record has been updated accordingly.

Photographer: Samuel J. Hood Studio Collection Object no. 00036968

She is wife no.2, Ingeborg (née Engeström) (from en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_von_Luckner)
See very similar photo in SMH taken at the same time - trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/17467309 , which implies the date of this photo is Friday 20/5/1938.


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