Massive Bronze Eagle recovered from wreck of Graf Spee

Huge Bronze Eagle from Graf Spee sunk off Montevideo in 1939In the attempt to raise the wreck of the Graf Spee sunk off Montevideo in 1939, a huge Bronze Eagle 2 metres high weighing in at about 400 kilograms has been unbolted from the stern of this once proud German warship.

The eagles claws hold a large Swastika, which was covered up as the eagle was hoisted clear of the water, in deference to those who still abhor that Nazi symbol.
But it can be clearly seen in his photo of the eagle plus Swastika as it lays on the wharf.

Tons of mud cover this wreck built up over the many years since the ship was scuttled here, and it impedes the work of trying to recover the wreck.


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