Anzac Class Frigate HMAS Warramunga. FFH-152
On Friday next 10 of us will board this Frigate in Port Phillip Bay, and sail in her back to her berth at Station Pier Port Melbourne. This is a photo of her doing sea trials before commissioning last year. Will you keep it please, and I will look for a photo of my Warramunga, which was one of three Tribal Class Australian built ships. They were, Arunta, Warramunga, both named after Australian Aboriginal Tribes, and the third was Bataan, in honour of Mac Arthur's and the US Army stand at Corregidor on the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines in WW2. Follow this link to learn more about it.
Anzac Class Frigate HMAS Warramunga. FFH-152 Anzac Class Frigate HMAS Anzac, the first of this class was launched on the 16th. of September 1994, and commissioned on the 18th. of May 1996. HMAS Warramunga A combined diesel or gas propulsion plant allows the ship to sustain speeds in excess of 27 knots with an operational range of 6,000 nautical miles. Main Armament Warramunga is the first warship in the world to be fitted with the Sea Sparrow Missile anti-missile defence system. Ship dimensions and crew numbers With the chopper crew embarked, the complement is 173 Officers and Sailors. Kaman Super Seasprite Helicopter Ship visit on Friday the 7th. of June 2002 Warramunga has been deployed as part of Australia's two ocean strategy, in Western Australia, and she will be home based just south of Perth. To reach her base, she will sail east about the Australian coast via Jervis Bay for working up exercises, a week in Sydney, visit Darwin, and then take up Border Protection duties in the vicinity of Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean. Arrival on Board We were taken to the Wardroom for a very nice buffet lunch, then toured the ship before slipping from the ammunitioning wharf, and setting a course for Station Pier, at Port Melbourne. Fleet Commander arrives on board We were all able to talk to him in the Wardroom, I used the occasion to ask for one of his ships to visit Melbourne over August 9th. next, to help commemorate the 60th. anniversary of the sinking of the heavy 8 inch Cruiser HMAS Canberra, on the 9th. of August 1942. Although very sympathetic to my plea, the Admiral was at pains to explain how stretched was his fleet, with Border Protection, duty in the Gulf, and Fishing Protection duties in the Southern Ocean. He added, in all my many years of Naval Service, I have never seen the Navy so commited, it is as if we are on a Wartime footing. So, no luck there. Bridge Visit The ship was trialling a new navigational aid, a laptop computer with a CD carrying all the Australian Charts, had a Global Positioning System plugged into it, the laptop screen now showed the appropiate Port Phillip chart with a continuously updated course and position of the ship. What a wonderful aid for the often harassed Officer of the Watch, the ship's Navigating Officer, and her Commanding Officer. We sailed along at a serene 22.5 knots, with the bows knifing through the waves, it was truly wonderful to once again be on the bridge of a Naval ship underway. Arrival at Port Melbourne We departed about 1630 ( 4.30 PM ) very satisfied to once again having taken part in the daily routine and a short trip in a seagoing ship of the Royal Australian Navy. Post Script This photo is reproduced with this article, for all visitors to my Web Log to enjoy. ![]() |