
von Luckner post war


Since you guarded the von Luckners I wonder if you heard anything about his life after the first world war.  I understand he had a friend a Captain Gilbert who went to Germany to seek him and questioned why he was starving  in Germany when there was money and adventure to be had. They loaded Captain Gilberts tour boat  with pianos and champaigne  and off they went to America.  There was a This Is Your Life , program where von Luckner was interviewed.  He was famous for  negotiating  between the nazis and the U.S. army for the cessation of thebombardment  by the U.S. forces to the German town where he lived.  Look;ing forward to hearing from you.

Noel Grant in Calgary Alberta Canada

Hello Noel,

You have me confused with one of my correspondents about Count Felix von Luckner, who wrote to say he guarded him at one stage.

There is a lot written about his journeys around the world beween the wars, he was famous for having the ability to tear a New York telephone book in half. It was the town of Halle that he saved from bombardment in the closing stages of WW2, the Us forces were converging upon his town, and he persuaded them to by pass it, and so saved it from destruction. There is a von Luckner Society that is based on Halle, they are trying to build a Memorial to the Count there, to his memory, for the work he did back in WW 2 to save Halle.

There is a lot about him on our site AHOY, including the von Luckner Society.

Thank you for your interest.


Mac. Gregory.

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