
Wreck of the Rewa

Wreck of the Rewa

Good morning Mac: This is just a curiosity question. I sat down with my coffee this morning and flipped on the TV.  Lo and behold, there was a show called Deep Wreck Mysteries, and the ship was the Rewa. I’m originally from Padstow (now living in Canada) and some of the scenes certainly looked like the area just outside the points (Stepper and Pentire). Am I right? The websites I checked all referred to “33 miles from Newquay” which would certainly fit!

Many thanks.


Hello to you, thanks for your note.

Here is what I wrote some time ago about Rewa, and her sinking in WW1. "Wreck of HMHS Rewa, identified by Divers in 2004"

Have a look at this URL: http://www.westcountrywalks.com/mid-se-cornwall/midcornwall-scoast/pentirepoint/pentirepoint.php
for an interesting piece on that quite lovely area of Cornwall.

Best regards, 

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