
William Pringle killed on the Rawalpindi

May 29, 2010


My name is David Thompson and I live in the Yukon Territory Canada. William Pringle is my great uncle, my
mother was from Darlington England and married my father a RCAF aircrew during the war.

I notice an email on your site of a 'Debbie' researching William Pringle because he was a relative. I don't know this person but I have William's medals and might have other information in the family. Would you send her my email address and ask her if she wants to contact me?


Congratulation on such a wonderful comprehensive site.

Best regards,
David Thompson


I am unsure of Debbie's Mail address, but have sent your mail to the address I hope is right.

Thank you for your kind words about AHOY, a really joint effort with my Web Master Terry Kearns from Atlanta

We do appreciate feed back of any kind, but when positive, it malkes all our efforts so worthwhile.

Kindest regards,

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