William J. Phillips, an shipyard electrician's helper early in WWII April 01, 2010 G'day Mac: My transplanted Canadian/Aussie son told me about your wonderful Naval stuff. I just took a quick first view and looked at ONS 5. Having spent some time early in WWII as an shipyard electrician's helper I spent a lot of days working on merchant ships at anchor in Bedford Basin the inland portion of Halifax Harbour. A convoy assembles during WW2 I can absolutely confirm that the foto in this article on ONS 5 titled "A Convoy Assembles During WWII actually depicts merchant ships lying at anchor in "the Basin". This is an extremely well-publicised foto. I'll be "tuned -in" to your site frequently. This is important and valuable work Congratulations and Thanks. Regards, Bill P.
Nice to hear from you, and thank you for your flattering comments about AHOY. It is truly a joint effort with my Web Master Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia, I do any research and the scribbling on various topics, and Terry gets them up on our site, for anyone who chances upon AHOY. It is support such as yours that makes all the effort worthwhile. Best wishes. |