
We commemorated on June 17, 2005 the 65-th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

Dear friend
I hope that you are well and that your health is good
We commemorated on June 17, 2005 the 65-th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria I you sendings some photos for whom I hope will please you

The memory of the Lancastria is remembered in France on the 17th. of June . Yves sent us the latest photos from this commemoration ceremony a few days ago in St Nazaire.

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

65th anniversary of the tragedy of Lancastria

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