
Website for Spanish submarines

First of all congratulation for your Web site. I went through it and really enjoyed.

Additionally I send to you our web site address case you like to include into your links pages. It covers the unbelievable history of Submarine C3 sunk in 1936 during Spanish Civil War for which Spanish Government never help or allowed to raise, even taking in consideration all pressure for the submariner’s families and  the fact that all cost are privately funded but they need to approve as we talk about a military weapon.

Our Web site has been successfully running for one year for Spanish speaking visitors and now we start to make an English version that will finish in 2-3 weeks

Thanks in advance for your inclusion


===.../...===  PECIO SUBMARINO  ===.../...===
Grupo de amigos en busca de información sobre el Submarino C3. VISITA NUESTRO SITIO WEB http://www.geocities.com/submarinoc3/
We are a group of friends looking for information related to Submarine C3. VISIT OUR WEB SITE http://www.geocities.com/submarinoc3/ 

Si tienes una página Web, te agradecemos  que nos hagas una referencia con la dirección del banner y de la página principal que ponemos abajo. GRACIAS!

Do you have a Web Page? We will really appreciate if you link us using the following information:  THANKS!

DIRECCION URL  / URL ADDRESS           http://www.geocities.com/submarinoc3/
DIRECCION BANNER / BANNER ADDRESS  http://www.geocities.com/submarinoc3/bannerfotoP.jpg

===.../...===  PECIO SUBMARINO  ===.../...===

Thank you for your message, we will add a link to your site on our Submarine Sites page.

Ahoy is a combination of my writing about Naval events etc, and it all being put up on the site by my friend Terry Kearns in Atlanta, Georgia, we act as a team.

Good luck with putting up your site in English.

See my article "The Sinking of the Spanish Republican Submarine C3, by German U-Boat U-34"

Mac Gregory.


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