
New website for Japanese submarine I-52


I like your website. My name is Paul Tidwell, the guy who discovered I-52.

I have a new website http://www.i-52.com. I would like to have a link to your website, with your permission.

I have included photo’s, video and sound my site. It’s new… so it will be growing, so keep checking it from time to time.

Enjoyed your site,
Paul Tidwell


Thank you for your kind words about AHOY.

Yes, its fine to have a link to AHOY on your site, and I have asked my Web master and friend Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia, to E-Mail you with the detrails of a link to us. We will add a link to your site in our Interesting Web Sites section on AHOY.

Your work with I-52 has always fascinated me, do you believe that technology will be available so that the gold in her may br recovered.

This submarine is indeed very deep in her grave in the Atlantic.

Nice to hear from you.

Mac. Gregory.


Thanks for your e-mail. The technology for a recovery is here and available. I am working with several companies here in the US to make sure the operations will work smoothly. I plan on using Cal Dive for the ship and ROV support platform. The ROV of choice is the Hammerhead. I’ve known these companies for several years and they’ve operated at the 17,000 foot depth before. The key is in the planning. 

I will begin raising the funding for the recovery very soon. The “Project” is not just the recovery of the gold. The plan is to recover the entire conning tower, diplomatic pouches, gold (of course), coding equipment, (Japanese and German) and more. From that point we will take all of the recovered items to New Orleans for cleaning, conservation, corrosion treatment. All this is to prepare for an exhibition. Mandalay Bay Casino has offered $20 million for the exhibition. So, recovery is first, cleaning second, exhibition is third (three years in Las Vegas) then return everything (not the gold) to Japan. Once there we will be minor partners with the City of Kure, Mitsubishi and others, with a permanent exhibition. 

Include I-Max, television specials, streaming video from the salvage site, feature movie (the screenplay is getting perfected now), products for the exhibition (caps, t-shirts, models, etc) adds up to one huge project. 

I will be adding to the website. Look for new video this weekend. It’s awesome!

Paul Tidwell

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