
Walter Warburton was a DEMS gunner on the Tanker Sepia

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hi Greg,

I recently found an article between a Greg Mackenzie (which I am assuming is you) and a Jim Macintyre in America, discussing the shell tanker "Sepia" (which I am assuming is the first Sepia), My father, Walter Warburton was a DEMS gunner on the ship during WW2 when she came to Melbourne and was in Duke and Ors drydock, he frequented the seamen's mission in Flinders Street and met Edith Barratt and eventually married her, back in England, Dad was from Bury and Mum from Bolton (about 5 miles apart)

Mum used to say "It took a war and a bum boat for them to meet".

We always used to rib dad about his 'Bum boat' they never really saw any action (that dad would tell us of).

Have you found any more history of the Sepia?

Geoff Warburton


Yes, that Mackenzie Gregory is me, quite often people put the names the wrong way round.

Thank you for telling me about your Father and the Sepia, no I did not unearth any further details about her.


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