
Von Luckner was a prisoner of war for a while on Ripapa Island near Lyttelton South Island New Zealand

Hi there,

My 95 year old Father told me the story that Von Luckner was a prisoner of war for a while on Ripapa Island near Lyttelton South Island New Zealand.

Can you help me with this. Maybe he was kept there for a short time until they were able to move him elsewhere.


Carol Jukes


Your Father is right, see this report which mentions that the Count was held for 109 days on Ripapa Island after being recaptured in Fiji after his escape.

COUNT VON LUCKNER'S ESCAPE The sailing Scow 'MOA' becomes a German Naval Vessel.
by Anthony G. Flude. © 2001.

Dear Mac,

Many thanks for your reply and the account of Count Von Luckners escape, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and I know my Father will as well.  What a man it’s a pity than one couldn’t meet him.  My Father may have because in his memories that I am working on at the moment he talks of a musical evening in Lyttelton and commented that von Luckners wife was a great violinist. This would have been after the war when he and his wife did their world trip.  My Dad is now nearly 95, he has a great memory and I am trying to get all this down.

Thanks again


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