
Valve for the delivery pipe to the pumping stations for PLUTO on the Isle of Wight


Subject: P.L.U.T.O

G'day Mac,

...Apart from that the seas are calm.

Two weeks ago I was re-reading your article about PLUTO and thought that you might like to hear of a visit I made to BP Hamble Oil Installation relating to, and as a result of, this subject. (See "PLUTO. (Pipe line under the ocean.)")

Back in 1994 I worked as an Independent Bulk Oil Surveyor at the BP Hamble Terminal. I worked as a neutral go between for BP nad the Tankers loading or off loading. At a down time space we were clearing away earth and rubble down close to the perimeter and seashore, when we discovered what was a long lost Oil Valve and Pipeline. It took some considerable time to search records and discover that it was the valve for the delivery pipe to the pumping stations for PLUTO on the Isle of Wight. 

Reading your article I thought that you might like to view the valve as it is today, and as the Superintendent there was a friend of mine, since the days that I worked there, he allowed myself and a friend to visit and photograph it.

Hope that it might be of interest....perhaps even the last piece.
Happy New Year to all down under........

Glyn Howell.


A bit of history and probably the last word on PLUTO.


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