
I just read your article about the Donitz baton. pretty interesting how these things have moved around over the years!

I understand how rare, and expensive these original pieces are.

Question for you. What kind of actual dollar value do you, or the museum curator in England think they really are? Of course, I am not asking specifically...........it would depend on who showed up when one was being auctioned off, etc, and "who's" baton it was, etc.

Do you have any idea, or anyone to ask, how much a real baton would be valued at? Same question for an
original interim baton,...........the daily one.

Thanks for your time,


I am sure that as you say the different German FM Batons of WW2 would each have its own value.

They are scarce in the first place, and one would have to become available for sale.

Here is a price put on Goering's Baton.

a.. Reich Marshal Herman Göring's jewel encrusted baton, valued at $35,000, is on permanent display in the US Military Academy at West Point.

a.. I would think that is a conservative figure.

An interim Baton would have a lesser monetary value, but in my judgment not all that much less.

Mac. Gregory.


Take a look at this URL: http://www.themarshalsbaton.com/Framepage.htm for some nice pictures of German Field Marshal Batons. They were indeed a work of art and quite beautiful.

Mac. Gregory.

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