
Value of  5 volumes of Captain James Cooks voyages that were printed in 1785 5 volumes?

Cooks journals

Sir, I have in my possession 5 volumes of Captain James Cooks voyages that were printed in 1785. They are in rough condition as the years have been taking their toll on them. The illustrations are amazing. They were handed down to my wife from her parents and we have kept them for the past 40 years. I realize they have considerable value monetarialy but their real value lies in the history they represent. What can we do to preserve them and would you know the value they represent?

The inside page is as follows.

Printed by H. Hughs,
For G. Nicol, Bookseller to his majesty, in the strand;
and T.Cadell, in the strand.

Steven Brooker


I do not see myself as an expert in the area you seek advice.

I appreciate both the value of your books in an historical sense, and also as to their possible monetary value.

I would love to be able to look at, examine, and enjoy your books.

I recall, now so long ago when at the National Library in our National Capital, I experienced the thrill of having the original Journal of Captain Cook in my hands, and to pore over his entry on landing at Botany Bay etc.

At this URL: http://www.aba.org.uk/links.html is the link for the Antiquarian Booksellers Association in UK. If I were in your position I would seek advice from such a group on two fronts.

  1. How would I go about preserving my treasure? and
  2. Some idea what the 5 volumes might realise at auction, or in a private sale.

I am probably of little help to you, but thank you for sharing with me.

Do tell me how you fare in due course.

Best regards, 
Mackenzie Gregory.

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