"Under Ten Flags" a movie about Merchant Raider Atlantis Dear Sir, Really enjoyed your website.It seems that I remember a movie that was made about the German merchant raiders.It was a old black and white film. You would not by chance know the name of the movie as I would like to puchase it. Please keep up the good work. Sincerely,
Thank you for your message, the story of the Armed Merchant Raiders is one that has fascinated me over many years. Ahoy as a Web site is the work of both my friend Terry from Atlanta, Georgia who translates all I write into the site that shows its face to the world. Between us we claim to make up a good team, and we are appreciative when anyone viewing our site takes time out to write to us. The only film I can think of that might fit your description is : Under Ten Flags. ( aka as Sotto Diece Bandiere ) Italy/US in 1960 and it ran for 92 minutes. I would be fairly sure this is the only film I can recall that covered a German Armed Merchant Raider of WW2. Nice to hear from you, best regards from both Terry and myself. Mac. Gregory. |