
Uncle was held in the Rangoon Prison Camp during WWII

I do not know if you can help me or not.  My uncle was held in the Rangoon Prison Camp during WWII.  He was an American.  I know there were Australians there.  After the war my uncles remains were disinterred from Rangoon, placed on a C-47 for reburial in Calcutta, India.   The C-47 was going from Rangoon Burma to Calcutta, India.  The plane never made it's destination.  It was last heard from 55 minutes out of Barrackpore.  This happened on May 17, 1946.   I know there was a search conducted but no recovery of this C-47 tail #43-48308.  I now have the accident report of this C-47 and find many discrepancies.  Do you know of anyone in the Australian government that was with Graves Registration at this time in 1946 or any former POW's?   I would like to correspond with them.  My uncle was name 2nd Lt. Joseph Rich and entered the prison camp on November 27, 1943 and died there on September 13, 1944 weighing only 80lbs. 
Thank you,
Lisa Phillips


I regret I am not able to help you with any Australian contact with the War Graves Commission, nor do I know any POW's who were involved in Burma.

I have found this record of your Uncle Joseph Rich which you may not have:

Click on "WW II Listing" and do a search.

Best Wishes.
Mac. Gregory.

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