
US Subs Down Under by David Jones and Peter Nunan


December 1, 2010

Dear Sir, I refer to a page on your website
"LCDR Robert T. Stagner Jr. USN was assigned Brisbane. during the war I believe on S-46"

If you are still in contact with LCDR Stagner's son, you might let him know USNI Press has published a book on the submarine base here in Brisbane. It's called US Subs Down Under by David Jonesand Peter Nunan
, available either from USNI or Amazon.com.

Limited preview available through google books.

*Karen Nunan*

Hello Bob,

This E-Mail is self evident and I am sure you will be interested in this book.

I trust all goes well at your end.

All the best for Christmas and 2011.

Best regards.

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