U. S. S. DENVER (CL-58) Association John was in the cruiser Denver that often worked with Shropshire, he produces Dots and Dashes, the ship association magazine, and is treasurer also. We correspond from time to time and he sends me the magazine, and I was saying thank you yesterday, and invited him to look at AHOY, this message is as a result of that. Mac. Tuesday 29 October, 2002: Time: 1140 Hours CST Good Morning from the center of the United States of America: At your invitation, I have reviewed your web site and find it one of the best for WWII Naval History. The history books I have read do not give proper credit to the Australians and the New Zealanders who fought and died in this great conflict. The site is very well "put together!" I am advising others of it's location. including Andrew Toppan who is the web master for www.hazegray.org/navhist/denver/index.htm Almost all of DENVER's Deck Log and Action Logs are available at this site, including the "Battle of Surigao Strait." Best wishes, John Bloomer Past President U. S. S. DENVER (CL-58) Association. |