
U-boat surrenders in WW2?

Dear Sirs:

I have a friend who was in the U. S. Navy and he tells me that his first "ship" was YP 509 that did patrol duty off the U.S.A east coast.  He told me that in 1942, or maybe 1943, a German submarine surfaced and surrendered to his crew at approx. 0300 hours.  He says the sub. was out of fuel, food, etc. and could not continue it's tour.  A radio message brought a couple of larger U.S. ships shortly and they took the submarine prisoner.  Have you heard of any such incident and is there any official record of such event?

Thank You,
Stanley M. Rober


This link from the U-Boat net will give you a list of all U-Boat losses over WW2 and their cause of loss.


Three are listed as having surrendered, but none to a US source off the east coast of the USA.
I had not heard of the case you quote, nor can I find any report.
Mackenzie Gregory.

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