
Transport as an immigrant from Germany to Australia in 1950 aboard the “Goya” which traveled to Australia through the Suez canal

May 30, 2009
Subject: Goya

Hello Mac!

I am reading a novel which indicates that a list of passengers from past shipping voyages was available on the Web and I decided to look up my transport as an immigrant from Germany to Australia in 1950 aboard the “Goya” which traveled to Australia through the Suez canal. Then I noticed your interest in this second “Goya” and thought that I could share my information. My mother has a photo of the “Goya” passing under the Sydney Harbour Bridge, but I am not sure of the date of that photo. 

I arrived, with my mother, father and sister in August 1950 in the port of Newcastle, NSW and was curious as to the ship’s final resting place and any other information available. From Newcastle harbour, we were transported to Greta Camp which is west of the township of Maitland in NSW and from there we eventually went back to Newcastle to live until 1960. I recall that there were a number of single young Italian men on board who were heading to North Queensland to cut sugar cane.

If you come up with any other information, I would be interested in your sharing this with me in the future.


Lena Crane (maiden name was Laps)


Thank you for that, could you please send me a copy of Goya and the Sydney Harbour Bridge?

See this URL: http://www.ozeukes.com/community_organisations/greta.htm for some detail about the camp at Greta.

Best regards,

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