
Tracing a veteran who may have taken part in the Battle of the Coral Sea as part of the Australian naval contingent

Dear Mac

We are working on a series of special liftouts to mark the anniversary of the end of WW2 for The Australian newspaper. I am trying to trace a veteran who may have taken part in the Battle of the Coral Sea as part of the Australian naval contingent.

Were you there, or if not,could you help me trace someone who was?

Nick Cater

Assistant Editor (News)

The Australian.

Dear Nick, 

No, at Coral Sea time I was serving in HMAS Canberra, which did not take part in the Coral Sea Battle, but of course went on to be sunk at the Battle of Savo Island on the 9th. of August in 1942. 

When the surrender was signed in USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on the 2nd. of September I was a Lieutenant RAN in HMAS Shropshire, and we were there at that time.

HMAS Australia was involved at Coral Sea, and Commodore Dacre Smyth RAN Ret'd at that time was a Midshipman in her.

I hope this helps,

Mac. Gregory.

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