
"To the Sixth Continent" and Alfred Kling who sailed with von Luckner in Seeadler

Hello from Minnesota,

I just happened upon your website while looking for some information about the Se(e)adler and (Lieutenant) Alfred Kling.

Alfred Kling, who sailed with Von Luckner, was the brother of my grandfather. Since my grandfather and another brother immigrated to the United States in 1881, my family never knew much about Alfred's exploits until recent years.

We do know that he accompanied Wilhelm Filchner on the German Expedition to Antarctica in 1911-1912, so he seems to have been quite an adventurous sort.

My brother and I are interested in learning more about Alfred. If you happen to have any information or a photo to share with us, we'd be happy to hear from you.

Thank you for any help.  You have an interesting website.

Jean (Kling) Baun


Thank you for your letter, I am often suprised what turns up by way of questions from a piece I have written for AHOY.

The exploits of the Geram Armed Raider of WW1 Seeadler commanded by Felix von Luckner has resulted in the highest response from around the world than any other article I have done. His second in command Alfred Kling was a most efficient officer.

You should look out for a copy of Blaine Pardoe's book. The Cruise of the Sea Eagle, The Lyons Press. Guilford Connecticut. 2005. See "Tid-bits from the book, Cruise of the Sea Eagle, by Blaine Pardoe."

See also: "Wlhelm Filchner 1877-1957" related to his South Pole expedition. and Wikipedia entries



I have recently been in touch with with a lady in the USA who is a relative of Alfred Kling, who of course sailed with Count Felix von Luckner in Seeadler, and took charge at Mopelia after the Count had sailed off.

Would your material have any reports about Alfred please, and do you have a date for Alfred Kling's death? that detail has eluded me.

Kindest Regards.
Mac. Gregory.

Hi Mac!

I am sorry, but there is nothing in the Luckner material after 1916 with Kling. You know his way -Filchner expedition, IO with Seeadler, Chile till early 30ties, back to Germany. I was very surprised -no photos after 1916 with Kling,- no letters,-nothing! -and - a lot of people and ex-navy buddies, also from Seeadler wrote to Luckner (and needed help and money in the 20ties!) But not Alfred Kling.

Sorry - Michael


As you can see from Michael's response, no luck about Alfred Kling.

He is proving most elusive.

Best wishes.



I thought I would tell you that I was able to get the book, "To the Sixth Continent", from the University of Minnesota Library. I've especially enjoyed reading the parts written by and about Alfred Kling.

Alfred wrote that he celebrated his 30th birthday on June 25, 1912, while on the sledge trip in search of New South Greenland. That gives us Alfred's date of birth. He must have died young, but I don't have a date of death for him.

In addition, I thought you might find it interesting to hear that one of my sons is a Captain in the United States Navy, now stationed at Norfolk, Virginia.

Thanks again for your previous information.

Jean (Kling) Baun

Good morning Jean,

At least it is here, but guess you are still enjoying Tuesday the 27th. of February.

That is interesting that you could read a copy of the " Sixth Continent." I am most interested to learn that you have a son who is a Captain in the USN, I have fond memories of my time in my Australian Cruiser working as part of a US Navy Task Force in the war in the Pacific.

I will forward an E-Mail about Count Felix von Luckner I only received today from Bremerhaven Germany, I am sure it will interest you Jean.

Thank you for keeping in touch.

Best wishes.


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