"The Navy's Here" book by Willi Frischauer Hello I enjoy your web page very much. I am very interested in "the altmark incident" and I'm trying to find a copy of "The Navy's Here" book by Willi Frischauer. May be you could help me?
Glad I could help a little. May I pose a few questions please? Where in Israel do you live? Are the missiles coming from Lebanon or are they Palestinian missiles? How does a constant threat from such missiles interfere with your daily life, and do you get any warning of an attack? During WW2, I was both bombed and shot at by the enemy, and was sunk by a Japanese cruiser force at the Battle of Savo Island in August of 1942, that was bad enough, but it was not a threat over my head, day in and day out. In both London and Liverpool over 1940/1941 on a number of times I was involved in bombing raids, but it was always with a warning of an expected attack. Your situation must be very frightening, and I am interested to learn how you and your people cope with the present situation. Thank you for your time.