
"The Navy's Here" book by Willi Frischauer


I enjoy your web page very much. I am very interested in "the altmark incident" and I'm trying to find a copy of "The Navy's Here" book by Willi Frischauer.

May be you could help me?
thank you
Gabo Altmark

This is, I think our first E-Mail from Israel, this book is long long out of print, but I found two second hand copies for sale one in Australia for A$44, and one in the US for US$ 8, some difference, I also said I hoped Gabo was safe in Israel. 


Dear Gabo,

Glad I could help a little.

May I pose a few questions please?

Where in Israel do you live?

Are the missiles coming from Lebanon or are they Palestinian missiles?

How does a constant threat from such missiles interfere with your daily life, and do you get any warning of an attack?

During WW2, I was both bombed and shot at by the enemy, and was sunk by a Japanese cruiser force at the Battle of Savo Island in August of 1942, that was bad enough, but it was not a threat over my head, day in and day out.

In both London and Liverpool over 1940/1941 on a number of times I was involved in bombing raids, but it was always with a warning of an expected attack. 

Your situation must be very frightening, and I am interested to learn how you and your people cope with the present situation.

Thank you for your time.
Best regards,

Thanks for your quick replay, that will help.
Things around here not so good (right now a missile "kasam" has hit near by) as you may know but it could be worse.

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