Thanks to Kevin Pickering of Shipwreck Films Hi Mackenzie, I've just stumbled across your U767 webpage while looking for info. It's a well laid out and informative page but I was surprised to see three of my images!! The images are frame grabs from footage taken during the discovery of U767. A few minutes of the footage can be seen on my website www.shipwreckfilms.co.uk . I have no objection to you using my images, I know how difficult it is to get material. Could you credit the images to me and maybe plug my website?
Firstly my apologies for using three of your images on AHOY without your approval. I had asked Leigh Bishop for approval to use his images, to which he graciously agreed, but had not realiseed I had included three of yours on the piece about U-767, now when I look closely at them I can see your name etc, I am now 85 and do not see as well as I once did years ago. We will certainly acknowledge your work, and place a link to your web site. Thank you for your formal approval to use your three images. Have you been diving on any interesting sites recently? Best wishes from Australia.