
Telegram to say her husband had been killed in action

Dear Sir,

I am writing an article about my mothers experience when she received a telegram to say her husband had been killed in action.

Although I have many of her old documents I dont have the telegram.

I am therefore looking for images that will show any interested readers the type of cold, to the point horror they held for the reader. I came across you great site and saw the sad image of just such a telegram.

I am not a professional writer and I am not even sure if anyone would want to read an article of this nature.  I was wondering if I could have your kind permission to reproduce the image to give people an idea of what tragedy was found in the post by many thousands of mothers, wives and families.

I perfectly understand if you wish to decline.

I would like to add your site is a wonderful testimony to all.

Many thanks

Roy Walker (Lincolnshire, U.K.)

Copy of one of the telegrams despatched in October 1945 about the fate of one of those captured in Rabaul, and lost when Montevideo Maru was sunk on the 1st. of July 1942

Copy of one of the telegrams despatched in October 1945
about the fate of one of those captured in Rabaul,
and lost when Montevideo Maru was sunk on the 1st. of July 1942
The acknowledged source of this telegram is Jenny Evans

Dear Roy,
Of course you may make use of that telegram, and thank you for your nice remarks about AHOY. It is a joint effort, I do the research, and writing, and my good friend and web master, Terry Kearns from Atlanta, Georgia produces our site that appears on the WWW, and is there for anyone who may happen to log on. Without him AHOY would not exist, and I am very beholden to Terry for all his expertise.

Best wishes with your endeavour, please send me a copy, and we will add it under your name to AHOY, and hopefully it may enjoy a wider audience. You are right, sheer tragedy was broken to relatives through the cold medium of the an officially worded telegram, suddenly delivered, most likely by a young man on his bike.

Best regards, 
Mac. Gregory.

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