
TSS Nestor convoy DN 51 sailed from Durban 8.7.1943

January 23, 2010

Hi Mac-  wonder if you could assist-  the above vessel presumably sailed with convoy DN51 - I saw the picture
on your site- is this the same vessel? The convoy detail just shows the name 'Nestor" with tonnage 14629 (built

I wonder- was there any heavy warship escorting the convoy.? Other ships were  Danio/ Empire Brook and
Empire Lake/ Nestor/ Inge Maersk/ Ima / Sinclair H -C (
Cruiser?)  Any info much appreciated

Cape Town.


I believe that Nestor in Convoy DN 51 is the same ship as the photo on AHOY.

Here are details of Convoy DN51

DN stands for Durban/Northward

IT does not note any escort ships.

On the U-Boat net is a report of successful attacks on & DN convoys, but DN51 is not one one of them.

Sinclair H C was merely an American ship in the convoy, and not a cruiser.

Convoy DN.51

      From:  DURBAN   Thursday, 8 July 1943.
      To:  DISPERSED   Saturday, 10 July 1943.
      Official number of ships =  7 (TDS)  


     Vessel  Flag   Tons   Built  Pdt.     Cargo         
      DANIO Nor  3,496  1924       
      EMPIRE BROOK Br  2,852  1941       
      EMPIRE LAKE Br  2,852  1941       
      IMA Nor  6,842  1930       
      INGE MAERSK            
      NESTOR Br  14,629  1913       
      SINCLAIR H-C Amer  7,874  1942       

Data supplied by Don Kindell, extracted from the late Arnold Hague's papers with the kind permission of Mrs. Gill Hague. Additional data supplied by Tony Cooper.



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