Surgeon Captain A R Woolcott
Dear Mac
Thank you for your E-Mail, I knew your late Grandfather Dicky Woolcott, when I was a cadet at the Naval College over 1936 1939, he was the dental officer there, and filled some of my teeth very expertly. These fillings lasted for many years. In 1940, the only old Navy List I have he is listed as a Commande (D) and was still at Cerberus then. I am trying to recall the dentist on board when we were sunk, I do not think it was your Grandfather, in a Cruiser, I can only remember the Dental Officer we ever had as a Lieutenant or a Lieutenant Commander, but never ever as a Commander. I would be very suprised if he was serving in Canberra when we were sunk back on the 9th. of August 1942. I suggest you try phoning the Museum at HMAS Cerberus, and ask them if they have a 1942 Navy List, and get them to look up the Canberra to see who was the Dental Officer in that year. Meantime, I am meeting an ex Canberra sailor tomorrow, I will ask Roy if he can recall our Dentist's name in 1942, and will be in touch with you again soon. All the best, Mac.
My Canberra colleague confirmed yesterday that your late grandfather Surgeon Captain ( D ) A R Woolcott was not our dentist on board when Canberra was sunk on the 9th. of August 1942 at Savo Island off Guadalcanal. It was a Surgeon Lieutenant ( D ) Wallach ( I am not too sure of the spelling ) I trust this sorts out your query. Regards, |