
Supposed WW1 Sea Mine discovered of NZ West Coast of South Island, one of Wolf's old mines laid in 1917?

December 19, 2008

A'hoy there,

I am writing to see if you can help shed light on a mystery my husband uncovered recently.

On a recreational trip along a remote part of our coast my husband found the remains of a very old sea mine. If you check it out, it has been in the NZ media over the last week. (video)

Due to historical timelines it points to it being a mine from the German Raider Wolf who laid mines near Farewell Spit in the South Island.

The NZ Navy are even unsure of the make, model and age of the mine.

I have attached some photos for the mine, the Navy bomb unit blew the detinator on the mine to 'make it safe'.

As you can see by the photos it is in poor condtion but you can make out the rivets that were used to put it together.

This on it's own suggests WW1 not WW2. My husband and I feel it belongs to the Wolf (or earlier)

We know NOTHING about these things but most WW2 mines I have seen on the internet are welded joints not riveted.

It would be appreciated if you could let us know what YOU think of it and where it may have come from.

Your ideas my be of value (or confuse the issue even more).....

Denise Hansen


I would be fairly sure the find was one of Wolf's old mines laid in 1917.


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