Stoker James Thornton and friends also served on the Cumberland May 1, 2012 Hi, I came across the letter from Alan Dwyer entitled "Sidney Staines was a stoker onboard HMS Cumberland WW2". My father was also a Stoker and served on the Cumberland. Like Alan we have lost many pictures, but I do have a picture of My father aboard ship with two other men, who could possibly be Stokers. My problem is that my father served on several ships, and I am not sure whether this photo is from the Cumberland. How can I contact Alan and send him the picture, I am sure he would recognise whether his Uncle is in the photo James Thornton
James Thornton (left) James Thornton (center) Peggy Cloherty
I regret I do not have Alan's details, I suggest you contactSam Watson Chairman of the HMS Cumberland Regards, Mac.
I hope you can assist me. Most of my fathers pictures were lost, we think in the 1974 Brisbane flood, so I would love to find some replacements and at the same time perhaps assist someone else with the few photos I have. Sorry to be such a nuisance. Peggy, Try this URL: Yes please, send me the photos and we will add them to AHOY. Mac. |