Speaking at the Toorak Services Club Navy Lunch October 22, 2009 Subject: your site Dear Sir, I love your site Sir. I had the privilege of listening to you speak at the Toorak Services Club Navy Lunch a few weeks ago. I thought your talk was fantastic. I did say a quick hello on the day but I am sure you had a lot on your plate that day. I was in the RAN 1963-1972 paying off as a P O Stoker. I would like to help with your project with the statue in Port Melbourne if I can in someway. Perhaps in the fund raising area or any where you may need a hand to do something, I would be willing to try and assistBarry Powell. 293 Princes St. Port Melbourne. Vic 3207. 03 96464888 0408 141414.
Regards & Thanks. Barry.
Dear Barry, |