
Small error on Iwo Jima webpage

November 28, 2009


I really enjoyed your webpage on Iwo Jima. I did want to point out one small error that I noticed while reading it. Below the third picture, you have the sentence; "With each Marine carrying a 100 pound pack it was well nigh impossible to cope with the volcanic ask abounding on the island." I believe you meant to use the word "ash" instead of "ask". Just wanted you to know. Thank you for the webpage, it is very well done.

Tanner, Ben
U.S.M.C. Ret.
"Once a Marine, always a Marine."


Thank you for your kind words, and you are quite right, it should read ash on our URL:
Bloody Iwo Jima. A 36 day Battle for supremacy in February 1945

Terry my Web Master will correct it.


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