
Ships named Shropshire

Dear Mac

I'm doing a bit of Family History (Surname Hevey) research and came upon your web site whilst searching for 'Shropshire'. In records found on the National Australian Archives website I found mention of the Shropshire as follows:- "James Hevey - non Aust Imperial Force Returning to Australia per Shropshire embarked 2 Dec 1919" Would this be the same HMAS Shropshire given by the RN to Aust in the 40's? Thanks in advance for your time

Dinah Jopson.

Hello Dinah,

Nice to hear from you but, no they are not the same ships. HMAS Shropshire was laid down as HMS Shropshire on the 24th. of February, 1927, launched on the 5th. of July 1928, to be completed on the 12th. of September 1929. She was turned over to the RAN on the 25th. of June 1943. You can thus see that the Shropshire you are talking about had to be a totally different ship, I believe there was a Troop Transport by that name in WW1. I hope this may help you in your quest.

Regards, Mac.
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