
Searching for the Topaz

I did a search on Google for "Hoeft and the Topaz" and landed at the following link:
Paul H. Hoeft and von Luckner pictures

I am very interested in talking to the person that wrote to you. I live just south of Rogers City, Michigan and have been searching for the Topaz. She, or what's left of her, has never been found, and any information on her approximate location when she went down would be helpful. We have been using drag sleds behind the boat and switching our divers. I was down their just last night but we have yet to catch a break of any kind. The breakwall has been extended since she burned making an exact location tough at best.
I would certainly like to talk to someone with any kind of information. She must be there and it would be a great treasure to find. Just in case you are worried, Michigan has strict bottomland laws and nothing will be removed. She certianly has a colorful history and it would be great to offer that to the world again.
Robert Doyle

I will pass your message on to Paul, and ask him to contact you directly, and trust he may be able to assist you in your search for the Topaz. It is a long time ago, and the old vessel may not have much left of her today, as you indicate.
Good luck in your endeavours, and we would be pleased to kept up to date about your success or otherwise in your search for this old vessel of great historical interest.

Best regards, 
Mac. Gregory.

Hello Paul,

I have had this E-Mail from Robert Doyle who lives near Rogers City, Michigan, and it is self explanatory.

Would you please care to respond to Robert directly, and perhaps copy me with your answer? You can see there is still interest in the Count and his doings even at this distance in time.

With best wishes and regards,

Mac. Gregory.


You are so right, my apologies. Topaz was a Yacht that the Count joined for a sail in 1931, when he was visiting your country. I have added the appropriate E-Mail about it all. My message should have gone off to Linda, but on checking my address book it is long gone. Because of your interest in von Luckner, alongside your mail address, I have noted von Luckner, then when the inquiry came in mentioning Paul who had sailed with the Count in Topaz, I thought it was you to whom I should refer.

Rather sloppy of me, again sorry. We are just leaving our Winter, being Down Under, our seasons are opposite to yours in the States. Spring will commence on Wednesday next for us in Australia.

Not withstanding my error, nice to hear from you.

Best regards to you both.



I sent your message about Topaz, to the wrong addressee. It should have gone off to: Linda Uhl Arnett from Estacada, Oregon, it was Linda's Great Great Grandfather, who had taken the Count sailing in Topaz.

Regretfully I no longer have Linda's E-Mail address, I get so many E-Mails that my list is culled every now and then, and Linda's has suffered that fate. You may be able to pick up her phone number from records in the States.

I hope you can track her down to be able to get the details you are seeking, good luck.

Mac. Gregory.

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