
Seaman Ernest Hitchon, aged 22m Ordinary Seaman killed in attack on HMS Esperance Bay

July 24, 2010

Hi Mac,

I came across your excellent website while doing some research on HMS Esperance Bay - my grandfather served on her in WW2.

There is a thread started by a Sarah, originally about Harold Barnett. It also mentions an Ernest Hitchon who
served on the Esperance Bay. I don't know how the research on Ernest Hitchon was resolved but I have a copy
of the Ships Log for the Esperance Bay for the month of July 1940 which does give the required information.

On 13th July 1940 Esperance Bay left Southampton bound for the USA with a cargo of gold bullion. She was to have made the crossing on her own but the next day she was attacked by six or more enemy dive bombers and badly damaged. She managed to struggle back to Devonport but 7 of her crew had been killed in the attack.

Amongst those 7 was Ordinay Seaman Ernest Hitchon, aged 22, of 10 Park Avenue, Bristol.

If this is still relevant perhaps you could pass it on to Sarah.

Kind regards and keep up the good work,

Philip Gloyn.


My thanks for both your kind words about AHOY, a joint effort between my Web Master Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia, and myself. I do the research and writng and Terry whips it all into shape for what appears on AHOY for anyone who chances to log on. I am grateful for the information about Ordinary Seaman Ernest Hitchon, which I have passed on to Sarah.

Best wishes,

Hello Sarah,

A long time since we corresponded.

The attached E-Mail from Philip is self evident and has some information about Ordinary Seaman Ernest Hitchon, which you may have anyway.

Trust you are keeping well.

Kindest regards,

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